Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 2012

John Gotway and family came over for a bit.
Hiroki dressed as a Shinkenjer hero (Power Ranger).
The Japanese word for cute is "Kawaii."  Just like the state, but with an H.
Mata Kawaii.  Still cute.
This is Amane communicating with Daddy she does not want him to go to work.
That magic moment of being tired enough to fall asleep while drinking milk.
Amane in a tunnel at the Little Gym
Hiroki and Daddy Joe on the inflatable track at Little Gym.
Dave Marlo, my friend from high school, and his wife Mary Margaret, with their darling Claire.
Dave's brother has a pool, Hiroki and Amane got around very well with a life jacket and Daddy.

Thank goodness--Michiyo attempts to break the cycle of Fingerhut men not participating in kitchen activities.

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