Friday, March 30, 2012

March 2012

Pics from March

Hiroki producing art on the back porch
St. Patrick's Day Parade
Hiroki enjoyed handing out candy to parade-watchers.
Grandma walks with Hiro in front of the Nellie Fogarty float.
Amane shows off some beads she got at the parade.
Hiroki got his teeth cleaned in the big kid chair, and didn't even cry!  The rock star glasses definitely helped.
Daddy Joe hosted the St. Charles Baby Expo, and Michiyo brought the kids out.
Hiroki loved the Easter Bunny--Amane, not so much.
We visited Big Grandma in the hospital, and snuck out for lunch at Mariachi's.
Complete Music Top 5 Celebration Dinner: Joe (#1!) is held up by Ted Burke, Elizabeth Austin, and Zach Lorton.